速報APP / 運動 / FIVB Beach Tour

FIVB Beach Tour





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本


FIVB Beach Tour(圖1)-速報App

This app will help you being up to date with the latest news and scores in the mens and womens FIVB World Tour in beach volley in an easy way.

FIVB Beach Tour(圖2)-速報App

The application includes:

FIVB Beach Tour(圖3)-速報App

- Calendar for all World Tour games in beach volley (Includes World Championships)

FIVB Beach Tour(圖4)-速報App

Automatically scrolls to show next or ongoing beach volley tournament on top

FIVB Beach Tour(圖5)-速報App

- Scores for all World Tour games

FIVB Beach Tour(圖6)-速報App

(Main draw, Qualification, Country Quota games and registered teams)

FIVB Beach Tour(圖7)-速報App

- News from FIVB

- Current world tour ranking in beach volleyball

- Offline availability of calendar, scores and ranking based on last time you opened that view.